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Port St. Lucie Family & Divorce Attorney > Video FAQs > Child Support > Can my child’s father be ordered to pay for my child’s college education in Florida?

Can my child’s father be ordered to pay for my child’s college education in Florida?

A child who reaches the age of 18 and graduates high school in Florida is no longer under the supervision of the courts within the family law system. A court will not on its own, order the parent to pay for the higher education and college education. However, there can be opportunities in the beginning, in the dissolution of marriage or the establishment of paternity, where parents can agree that they will pay for all of or a portion of a child’s education. Once the judge signs that order, that order is enforceable, even though without an agreement of the parties, a judge on his or her own ruling cannot decide that on their own and cannot enforce it without the agreement of all the parties.

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Port St. Lucie 8483 S. U.S. Highway One
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952
Stuart By Appointment Only 100 SW Albany Ave., Suite 300k
Stuart, FL 34994
Fort Pierce By Appointment Only 311 S 2nd St., Suite 102b
Fort Pierce, FL 34950
Telephone: 772-466-0707 Fax: 772-223-9290 or 772-466-0907 Office Hours: 8:30 to 5:00pm M-F