What are the Penalties for Soliciting Prostitution?

Due to the convenience and availability that escorts and other sex workers can be found and hired on the internet, solicitation of prostitution has become a progressively more widespread crime. Consequently, police officers have strengthened their VICE forces in an effort to arrest and take legal action against men or women that hire sex workers.
When a person solicits, persuades, induces or obtains someone else to take part in lewdness, rendezvous or prostitution, the crime of solicitation of prostitution is perpetrated. The crime of solicitation of prostitution is defined by Florida Statute 796.07(2)(f).
What are the Penalties for Solicitation of Prostitution?
It is mandatory for everyone that is found guilty of solicitation of prostitution to finish one-hundred hours of community service, get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and go to a human trafficking and prostitution mindfulness class. There is also a civil fine of $5,000.
The judge has the opinion of imposing the below harsher punishments in addition to the above.
The first conviction for solicitation of prostitution is considered a 1st degree misdemeanor. As such, the offender can receive a maximum sentence of one year in jail, one year of probation, and pay $1,000 in criminal fines.
The second conviction for solicitation of prostitution is considered much more serious. As such, it is a 3rd degree felony and given a severity ranking of a level 1 offense. The judge must sentence the offender to at least 10 days in jail.
Additionally, the judge has the opinion to sentence the offender to a maximum of five years in prison, five years of probation, pay $5,000 in criminal fines, and take away the offender’s car for 60 days.
If an offender is foolish enough for a third conviction of solicitation of prostitution, it is a 2nd degree felony and given a severity ranking of level 1 offense. The judge must sentence the offender to at least 10 days in jail. Furthermore, the judge has the opinion to sentence the offender to a maximum of fifteen years in prison, fifteen years of probation, pay $10,000 in criminal fines, and take away the offender’s car for 60 days.
Potential Defenses for Solicitation of Prostitution
Creating a solid defense strategy is critical in any case. The attorneys at Baginski Brandt & Brandt can review all of the circumstances and facts of your case in order to determine all possible defenses. A few commonly used defenses include:
- Mistaken Identity
- Various missteps by the police with their investigation
- Miranda rights: If the police failed to read your Miranda Rights and you made any incriminating statements. These statements would be inadmissible in court.
- Entrapment: When you were lured into committing the solicitation of prostitution.
Contact a Knowledgeable Criminal Lawyer now!
If you have been arrested or charged with the solicitation of prostitution, we recommend that you consider hiring expert legal representation without further delay. Choosing to be represented by a public defender will not provide you with the same advantages. The penalties for a solicitation of prostitution conviction carry life-long negative consequences.
An experienced attorney at Baginski Brandt & Brandt will fight to have your solicitation of prostitution charges dropped. We can represent you through each stage of your solicitation of prostitution proceedings from preliminary questioning, through the arrest, charges, and trial.
Regardless of the charges against you, you can count on our qualified team to aggressively defend your liberty. The Port St. Lucie criminal attorneys at Baginski Brandt & Brandt have over 50 years of combined legal experience. Contact us online or call at 772-466-0707 to discuss your possible defense strategies.