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Port St. Lucie Family & Divorce Attorney > Video FAQs > DUI > I actually passed the breath test, but the police still arrested me. How is that possible?

I actually passed the breath test, but the police still arrested me. How is that possible?

That would be possible to be arrested even if you pass the breath test, if the officer believes that you’re under the influence of another substance. The breath test only tests for alcohol. If the officer believes that you’re high on marijuana or any other controlled substance, you can still be arrested and charged with driving under the influence, but the burden is still on the state to prove that you were impaired.

That doesn’t mean that it ends with the breath test. They’re still going to look at the field sobriety test. They’re going to look at your driving pattern, and they’ll also go to look once they arrest you for other signs of controlled substances inside your vehicle. Hire an attorney immediately. Let us begin your defense immediately. There’s a lot that we can do up front that can never be replaced later on once your case is on the way.

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