Solutions To Parenting Time Issues

Child custody agreements in Florida are often referred to as time-sharing agreements as both parents have a right to spend time with their children, unless a judge determines that doing so is not in the best interests of the kids. But while the idea or time sharing is simple, it can be difficult for the parents to transition from spouses to co-parents. A strong parenting plan can help, but if a plan is not in place, or one of the parents decides to ignore the plan, issues can arise.
If you believe your ex-spouse is purposefully ignoring a parenting time agreement, or is not respecting the agreed upon terms, bring your concerns to a Port St. Lucie family law attorney. When a legal record of a parenting agreement is in place, a letter from your attorney could right the situation. Or if the behavior is more egregious, your attorney will take additional legal steps to ensure your rights are protected.
Keep Track of Missed Visits and Schedule Changes
Having a record of what parenting time issues have occurred is an important part of proving your ex-spouse is not adhering to agreed upon terms. For instance, retain emails and texts that illustrate your concerns and copy calendars where dates or times are being changed without your consent. Be flexible with requested changes. The parenting plan is guide but real life often interferes with the rigidity of the parenting plan. Make sure that if you give up a day, you get your day back.
When you communicate with your co-parent, try to maintain your composure. Professional, clear communication is advised as it is possible for other areas of contention to be dragged into a parenting time dispute when tempers erupt. ALWAYS BEHAVE AS IF THE JUDGE WILL BE READING YOUR MESSAGES!
Next, connect with a lawyer who has experience in divorce and custody issues. A formal letter that informs your co-parent or the issue, and lets them know that documentation has been gathered to back up the assertion that they are not following the parenting plan, could be enough to resolve the problem. Knowing that you have legal counsel sends a strong message that you take the parenting plan seriously. Of course, if issues continue or become more complicated, further legal action is appropriate.
Talk to an Attorney About Your Co-Parenting Disputes
You have a right to expect your ex-spouse to follow the agreed parenting plan. They do not have the authority to change the terms of an agreement simply because they want to or their personal situation has changed. If a legal adjustment is needed, there is a formal modification process to pursue. Legal guidance is available, reach out and connect with a Port St. Lucie family law attorney.
Has a parenting time dispute made you wonder if you need legal support? Speaking to an attorney is a proactive step to protecting yourself, whether there is a simple way to resolve the conflict or a modification request needs to be filed. Bring the details of your situation to the attention of the compassionate legal team at Baginski, Brandt & Brandt. Well-crafted parenting plans can help to avoid disputes, but if the plan wasn’t designed well to begin with, additional legal steps may need to be taken. Contact us today to book an appointment.